Effective paint “Maxidecor Sahara Fine”

“Maxidecor Sahara Fine” is an effective paint of exceptional quality based on the aqueous dispersion of acrylic binders, specially selected fillers, special additives and effective pigments. It has a slightly finer granulation than “Maxidecor Sahara” decorative coat. It is intended for the protection and decoration of inner wall surfaces, where it is necessary to create an exciting and dynamic effect.

“Maxidecor Sahara Fine” is ideal for:
• Interior use .

• Resistant to wet scrubbing .
• Ready for use.
• ECO product.

Application temperature: Optimum application temperature ranges from +10 °C do +25 °C. It must not be used below +5 °C.

Consumption: 7–9 m²/L, depending on the roughness and absorbency of the substrate, technique and method of application.

Shelf life and storage: 18 months from the date of manufacture displayed on the packaging. Keep in the original, properly sealed and undamaged packaging at the temperatures from +5 °C do +25 °C, protected from the direct sunlight.

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