Wax for spatula polishing “Maxidecor Natural Wax”

“Maxidecor Natural Wax” is intended for polishing “Maxidecor Marmorino” materials. Its application makes it possible to achieve an extremely high gloss and the water repellency proper of this decorative technique.

“Maxidecor Natural Wax” is ideal for:
• Polishin Maxidecor Marmorino materials.

• Resistant to wet scrubbing .
• Ready for use.
• Resistant to weather impact.
• ECO product.

Application temperature: Optimum application temperature ranges from +10 °C do +30 °C. It must not be used below +5 °C.

Consumption: ≈ 50 ml/m², depending on the technique and method of application.

Shelf life and storage: 12 months from the date of manufacture displayed on the packaging. Store in the original, tightly closed and undamaged packaging, at a temperature between +5 °C and +25 °C, protected from direct sunlight.

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