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Разгледайте успешно реализираните строежи и реставрации на сгради, с материали от Ди Трейд Груп.
  • Dolly Media Studio

    Soundproofing and acoustics of the recording studio Dolly Media Studio The materials used in recording studios are: 1. Acoustic mineral wool ceilings Parmephon POLO - moisture resistant and noncombustible mineral wool panel with decorative laminated glass fiber coating.
    2. Acoustic mineral wool wall panels Parmephon SOLO and cloth cover in different colors.
    3. MDF panels for sound absorption, venge colour, suitable for installation both on walls and ceiling of the structure.
    4. Profiles for installation. In carrying out this project have achieved very good results in the direction of sound absorption, high-end acoustics and luxury. Sound insulation materials comply with the requirements of acoustic comfort in each room separately  

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  • Private High School "Professor Ivan Apostolov"

    Project for sound absorption and performance in sports hall of CHSOU "Prof.. Ivan Apostolov" city. Sofia. The materials used for sound insulation in the gym are: 1. Environmentally-friendly wood panel - CELENIT 2. Stone wool fleece - IZOCAM Thanks to the properties of these materials and best acoustic project gained the reverberation in the gym and snimzhihme noise to a minimum. Improved acoustics and brought creative solutions for sound absorption in ceilings and walls.  

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  • Бар в хотел в Анталия

    Акустично третиране на таван с плоскости Celenit, с цел осигуряване на оптимална акустична среда в бар на хотел в Анталия.

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  • Многофункционален комплекс "Сан Стефано Плаза"

    Доставка на каменна вата с воал, използвана в многокомпонентен продукт за осигуряване на звукоизолация в помещенията. 

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  • Парадайс Център

    Доставка на минерална вата на рула за за шумоизолация, топлоизолация и пожарозащита на въздуховоди за вентилация и климатизация. Доставка на система за сухо строителство, лепила за плочки, интериорни бои. Доставка на микропореста гума на рула и растерни, окачени тавани.

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