Stone wool boards for flat roofs “Izocam”

Stone wool boards with high density and high compressive strength, for flat roof insulation. The wool has a good coefficient of thermal conductivity, which, in combination with the thickness of the insulation layer, meets the requirements for good values ​​of thermal resistance. The roof is often overlooked from a fire safety point of view. The wool for flat roofs, produced by Izocam, is non-combustible. It has fire reaction class A1 according to TS EN 13501-1. It is compatible with all commonly used waterproofing membranes for flat roofs: oiled waterproofing, bituminous or EPDM membranes. For faster and easier installation, the wadding is made with optimal dimensions – 1.20 x 2.00 m. This way, fast installation on larger areas is ensured. The thickness and density of the stone wool are different depending on the project and the set requirements for compressive strength and point load. According to the set technical parameters, the optimal option can be selected. Certification No bg

Stone wool slabs for flat roof “Izocam” ideal for sound and thermal insulation in the following cases:

– Flat roof buildings.

• Thermal insulation.
• Fire safety.
– Vapour permeability.
– Long-lasting solution.

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