Universal ready-made joint filler and putty “Knauf Fill & Finish”

For finishing the joints of plasterboard boards and for leveling plasters of very poor performance quality. Easy Sand formula (easy sanding) – if necessary, it can be sanded manually without the use of machines.

Suitable for manual and machine laying.

It is easy to handle thanks to its pasty formula and binding properties. Quality level of plasterboard surface: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.

Packaging: 20 kg bucket.


Nominal putty consumption: 1.00 kg/m²/mm.
Joint consumption Q1 – Q3: 0.350 kg for AK edging.
Practical consumption putty Q4: plasterboard about 0.550 kg/m²
Practical putty consumption: gypsum plaster about 0.700 kg/m.

The cost strictly depends on the thickness of the putty layer.

Shelf life: 12 months.

Storage temperature: min. +10°C.

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