Acrylic marble plaster “Kulirplast”

“Kulirplast” is an acrylic plaster made of multi-colored marble granules. Adheres well to fine and rough construction surfaces.

It is intended for the decorative protection of plastered interior and facade surfaces and is particularly suitable for plinths.

• Typical uniform-grained appearance.
• High durability.
• High resistance to atmospheric influences.
• Long-lasting protection against the development of wall mold and mildew.

Color shades: The plaster is made of natural and marble grains/granules, therefore the color appearance may have slight differences compared to the shades of the color catalog samples.

Technical data: Granulation: 1.5 mm; Consumption rate: approximately 2.3 kg/m2; Density: approximately 1.45 kg/l; µ coefficient (EN 1015-19): <100; Sd value (EN ISO 7783-2): <0.30 m class I – high vapor permeability; Drying before reapplying (T: +20ºC, relative humidity: 65%): 6 hours; Protection against getting wet from rain: approximately 24 hours; Water absorption (EN 1062-3): 0.50 N/mm2;

Surface: The surface must be flat, slightly rough, hard, dry and clean, free of poorly-adhered particles, dust, grease, and other dirt. Suitable surfaces: basic plasters of facade thermal insulation systems (suitable for systems based on insulation boards made of expanded polystyrene – EPS), traditional fine lime-cement and cement plasters, as well as fibre-cement, plasterboard, chipboard and MDF boards and the like. Cover the surface with UNIGRUND, VEZAKRIL, or diluted ACRYLCOLOR.

Preparation and Application: Mix the mixture in a bucket using an electric mixer until it becomes fine and foamy. Dilute only in a tap case (up to 100 ml/bucket with AKRIL EMULSION). Apply a 2.0mm thick layer by hand with a steel leveling trowel. Cleaning of work tools: wash tools with water immediately after use.

Consumption per m²: 2.3 kg, 4.5 kg, 5.5 to 6.5 kg

Packaging: 15kg, 25kg plastic box

Storage: 12 months in original sealed undamaged packaging in dry and ventilated rooms at temperatures from +5°C to +25°C. It should not freeze. Keep out of direct sunlight.

*The product is available only at the “DI TRADE GROUP” warehouse in Sofia

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