Basic plasters “Thrakon GHP 210”

Basic lining lime-cement plaster for interior and exterior use. For plastering walls made of concrete, ceramic bricks, aerated concrete, etc. For manual or machine laying. It is applied with a thickness of 10-25 mm in one layer. Requires base treatment with SHP 205 pre-spray.

GHP 210 SV is used as a base layer in the THRAKON 3-layer system for plastering walls made of concrete, brickwork, aerated concrete, etc. For internal and external use

High quality product

Grain size: up to 1.5 mm

Preparation of the substrate: The substrate must be dry, with good load-bearing capacity, without dirt and layers that are weakly connected to the substrate or that impair the connection. GHP 210 SV is applied by machine or by hand using a trowel and trowel. In advance, the base should be prepared with the bonding cement primer SHP 205.

Consumption rate: 13 – 15 kg/m 2 for 1 cm thickness.


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