Mineral wool boards for ventilated facades “Izocam”

Mineral wool boards, with one-sided coating of black fiberglass veil, which are used in ventilated facade systems. The systems include; external cladding, sub-cladding construction consisting of wooden or metal profiles, ventilation opening and thermal insulation from mineral wool. The insulation boards are laid in the sub-cladding structure, with the glass veil facing outwards. The veil prevents the wool from becoming dusty. The wool has excellent heat and sound insulation properties.

A large number of architects use the facade of buildings to demonstrate their creative ideas. The first thing that comes to mind when facade design is mentioned is perhaps the aesthetic size of the building, but functional measurements are also very important. According to studies, at least 45% of heat losses are due to facades. The mineral wool boards for a ventilated facade is designed to prevent these heat losses on the facades, thanks to its high thermal insulation properties.

• Lightweight material.
– It does not emit dust and does not cause skin irritation.
– Safe for health.
– Easy to cut and install.
– Good sound insulation characteristics and very good thermal insulation properties.
• Fire safety.

Size of the slabs: 0,60 x 1,20 m.

The wadding is available in two densities:
– 18kg/m3, λD= 0,035 W/mK.

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