Matt interior paint “Kale Optima”

Matt, premium quality paint based on acrylic emulsion. For indoor use, with excellent abrasion resistance.

“Kale Optima” is ideal for:
• On interior, properly prepared surfaces such as: concrete, screed, cement panels, gypsum boards, etc., on already painted surfaces, putty and screed, and wallpaper.

• Exceptional coverage.
• High vapor permeability, allows the building to breathe
• Creates a matte, smooth, decorative coating on the surface.
• Excellent abrasion resistance, cleans easily without bubbling, cracking or fading.
• Solvent-free and odorless.
• Water-soluble, ecological paint.

Technical characteristics (at 23°C and 50% RH)

Colors: It is colored from base A, B or C according to the Renk Bankası or the Renk Ustası systems.

Composition: based on acrylic emulsion.

Diluent: water.

Density: approximately 1.46 gr/cm³.

Application temperature range: (+5°C) – (+35°C).

Drying time: Second coat application – after 2 hours, complete drying – after 24 hours. Low temperatures or high humidity will prolong the drying process.

Consumption rate: Depending on the smoothness and porosity of the surface – approximately 0.100 lt/m² for one hand.

Laying tools: brush, roller, sprayer. Ensure that air and surface temperatures are above 5°C during application and for the next 24 hours.

Storage: Store in unopened containers at a temperature between 5ºC and 35ºC.

Packaging: 2.5l, 7.5l and 15l buckets

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