Mold cleaner “Algicid Plus”

“Algicid Plus” is a transparent alcohol-based biocidal solution that penetrates deep into the wall surface and effectively destroys many types of mold and mildew. It is used to disinfect facade and interior wall surfaces that have been treated with paints and plasters, as well as disinfects concrete, stone and wood. It is used to kill mold and to cover buildings in the agricultural industry. It is used as a healing agent.

“Algicid Plus” is ideal for:
• Disinfection of facade and interior wall surfaces.

• Effectively destroys mold and mildew.
• It is suitable for interior and exterior wall surfaces.

Consumption rate: 50 – 100 ml/m2; Density: approximately 1.00 kg/l; To dry before second application (T:+20 ºC, relative humidity: 65%): approximately 8 hours.

Preparation and application: First wash the external surfaces with a strong stream of water and then clean the internal surfaces with a wet cloth. Shake well before use. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:5. Apply with a brush or roller. Cleaning of working tools: wash the tools with water. While working, use appropriate protective equipment and follow safety instructions.

Consumption per m²: 50-100 ml.

Packaging: 500ml. plastic bottle

Color shades: Colorless.

* The product is only available in the “DI TRADE GROUP” warehouse in Sofia

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