Two-component epoxy paint “Neopox Special”

“Neopox Special” is used on surfaces that are subjected to high mechanical stress, on surfaces that are periodically or permanently submerged under water or sea water, or are in contact with chemical reagents and their derivatives.


”Neopox Special” is ideal for:
• Garages.
• Industrial floors.
• Shop floors.
• Metal structures.
• Swimming pools, boats.
• Concrete, concrete-based or metal tanks for non-potable water, dilute solutions of acids, bases or salts.

• Withstands temperatures between -50 °C and 140 °C.
• Excellent resistance to water, sea water, bases, petroleum derivatives, polluted air and adverse weather conditions.
• Good acid resistance.
• High abrasion resistance.

Appearance: Gloss

Density (A + B): 0.98-1.25 g/cm3

Mixing ratio (weight ratio): 75A: 25B

Taber test for abrasion (CS 10/1000/1000): 57mg

Consumption rate: 250-350gr/m2 (for 2 layers)

Drying time: 2-3 hours at 25 ° C.

Overlap time: after 24 to 06 hours (depends on temperature)

Passability: 24 hours. (the coating hardens completely after 7-10 days)

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