Microporous rubber for pipe insulation

Microporous rubber for pipe insulation is an insulating material based on elastomeric rubber, with a closed cell structure. It is used to insulate the outer surfaces of pipes in air conditioning, heating and cooling systems. The length of the modules is 2 meters. The diameters produced are from 6 mm to 114 mm.

The diameter of pipe insulation should be carefully selected according to the outside diameter of the pipe to be insulated. The insulation must adhere tightly to the pipe. Longitudinal cuts and joints between individual modules must be covered with insulating tape. If the surfaces insulated with microporous rubber are outdoors – a protective coating must be laid on the insulation within 5 days.

The microporous pipe insulation rubber can be applied in the range from -50 to +110°C. The material has good thermal conductivity – 0.034 W/mK at 0°C. The microporous pipe rubber complies with TS EN 14303 standard – Thermal insulation products for construction facilities and industrial installations.

With the microporous rubber for pipes, the outer surfaces of the pipes are insulated in:

• Heating systems.

• Refrigeration and air conditioning.

• Ventilation systems.

• Very good insulation.

• Condensation control.

• Does not contain chlorofluorocarbon (CFC).

• Very high elasticity.

• Does not harm the environment.

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