“Parmephon Velum” panels

Parmephon Velum acoustic panels have a high sound absorption coefficient. They can be mounted on walls and ceilings. “Velum” acoustic panels are made of high-density mineral wool (95 kg/m3). The visible surface and part of the edges are covered with a durable fabric that is available in different colors. The vertical edges have reinforced slots that allow installation of a hidden construction of profiles. The thickness of the panels is 20-40 mm. The sound absorption coefficient (NRC) of the panels is 0.95 – 1.00. The reaction to fire class of Velum panels is A2 s1 d0 according to UNE-ON 13501-1:2007. The panels also have a decorative function. The rich selection of colorful fabrics allows for a variety of projects and for creating a harmonious balance between acoustics and design.

They are used in places where a high level of sound comfort is required: offices and business centers, administrative buildings and state institutions, concert and conference halls, cinemas, classrooms, etc. It is widely used in the construction of sports halls, recording studios, movie theaters.

• Excellent acoustic properties.
• Fire resistance.
• Cleanable surface.
• Moisture resistance.
• Easy installation.

The panel allows installation with gluing and H profile construction. Reaction to fire class B s2 according to UNE-EN.

αw (ISO 11645) = 1.00;NRC (ASTM – C 423) = 0.95

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