Stone wool boards for floors “Izocam”

Stone wool boards for building floating floors. Floating floors are floors that do not lie directly on the supporting structure, but are separated from it by sound-absorbing insulation (wadding), reducing noise levels. The wool has sufficient compressive strength to support the weight of the upper layers of the movable floor structure, while being flexible enough to reduce vibration, i.e. to absorb impact noise, providing high-quality sound protection. Separating peripheral strips of stone wool are placed along the walls. They prevent the transmission of impact noise from the floor structure to the wall and further to the rest of the premises. The stone wool slabs are then laid tightly next to each other. A PE or PVC film is placed on top of them, in order to protect the insulation from wetting during screeding. A layer of reinforced screed (min. 4 cm thick) is applied on top and then a final floor coating as desired. Certification No bg

Izocam’s stone wool slabs for floors are ideal for acoustic and thermal insulation:

– Buildings with floating floors.

• High thermal insulation.
• Fire safety.
– Sound and vibration isolation.
– Easy installation.

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